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CORNING/ELMIRA, NY, August 19, 2016– As the first day of classes nears, instructors at Corning Community College are looking forward as usual to helping our students learn and succeed. However, this year we task ourselves with an additional responsibility: raising awareness with the community outside of our classrooms about urgent issues facing the college we love.

CCC faculty are proud that our school has been recognized as among the very best community colleges in the United States and #1 in New York State. We know well what a great place our school is to learn, because we see our fellow


Click here to learn how you can show your support for the students and teachers of Detroit as they face attacks from extreme anti-public-education forces:

More background is available on this AFT Fact Sheet on Detroit Legislation:

We're all in this together!


At the August 2015 meeting of the PECCC, members voted to issue a statement of support for our co-workers in the College's CSEA unit. The following memo, approved by the Executive Committee, was sent to trustees and college leadership on August 28.

Honorable Trustees:

The Professional Educators of Corning Community College (PECCC) are proud to express support for our CCC colleagues, the members of the Corning Community College unit of CSEA.

Day in and day out, we the faculty, along with all other CCC employees and students, depend on the hard work and dedication of our CSEA sisters and brothers